
Advertise on Downtown Bellevue Network

We offer opportunities to advertise to our highly targeted affluent Bellevue audience. Here are a couple of site stats to get you started:

Gender: 50% male & 50% female
Our visitors are loyal: 50% of traffic are return visitors (not via a search engine or other site referral)
Our followers are social: We have over 33,000 followers via social
Age: Ages by percent of traffic, 35-44yrs 31%, 25- 35yrs 29%, 45-54yrs 18%, 55-64yrs 10%, 18-24yrs 6%, 65yrs+ 5%

We offer the following sponsorship opportunities:

  • Display Advertising (homepage, article pages, happy hour pages, and more)
  • Advertorials (sponsored article)
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Events

Send us an email at for information about our highly targeted web traffic and affordable pricing.