
During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, a gun shop quietly slipped into Downtown Bellevue. It’s located on the north side of NE 8th St., in a strip mall with stores including Thai Grill, Bellevue Nails, What the Pho, Money Tree, and a few others. The store is on the same city block as Washington Square’s Condominium Towers.

A gun shop doesn’t quite fit in with newly opened stores nearby on NE 8th, such as Neiman Marcus, or new neighborhood condos and apartments within a block’s radius of the shop. At DTB, we don’t profess to be policy specialists, but it seems odd that the City of Bellevue would allow a gun shop right in the core of Downtown Bellevue, given the City’s other strict regulations. Of additional concern is the gun shop’s close proximity to area homes, throughout this rapidly developing urban neighborhood. However, there are of course going to be those to whom this is a welcome addition.

Additionally, it seems peculiar that developer Wasatch Development Partners, who is the landlord/owner of “Washington Square Condominiums” would consent to a gun shop opening just down the street from where they are trying to sell homes. This recent development surely will not entice future buyers.

What do you think about the gun shop opening in Downtown Bellevue? Sound off in the comments section and our poll on the homepage.


  1. i think that it is more than great that downtown has opened another store that adds to the diversity of the shops downtown. i also am disturbed by the assumption that gun shops should only be in “bad” parts of town, please, citizens who purchase their firearms at stores are by in large law-abiding.

    the poll is also skewed…only “this concerns me” and “just another store” what about “it is about high time a gun shop opened up for downtown residents and business people”

    a gun shop is GREAT.

  2. Michael,

    I definitely agree on the peculiarity factor of it. As someone who lives, works, and plays in downtown Bellevue I can’t understand why there is any value to having a gun store located so close to area shopping centers, the library, and art museum. As someone whose career is based upon selling homes I can assure this is NOT a selling point. In fact, gun stores, check cashers, pawn shops, etc are typically seen as an indicator of urban decay.

    We certainly live in a free country and I’m proud of that, but NE 8th is the main corridor through Bellevue. In my opinion this store is an embarrassment to Bellevue and the developer who chose them as a tenant.


  3. You are making this article sound like having/purchasing a gun automatically makes you a bad person or a criminal. I agree with jmh. Most people who buy guns in gun shops ARE in fact law abiding citizens. The “criminals” usually get them elsewhere. I have a gun in my home and haven’t touched it since the day I purchased it. Hope I never have to. It makes me feel much safer knowing that I have some sort of self-protection.

    I think it’s great that we have a gun shop here in Bellevue.

  4. Yeah, I’m sure that long trip over to Wades gun shop is thwarting many a criminal.

  5. Last time I heard this was America, and we live in a free society. Who cares if a gun shop is in Bellevue? It is supply and demand, if people don’t need guns, they won’t buy guns and the store will go out of business. If people want guns, the store will stay. What is wrong with that?? I swear, people want to be in a free society until someone does something they don’t agree with, and suddenly it should be banned? Really?

    For the record, I don’t own a gun either and don’t think I will ever go to this gun shop, but they have a right to be anyplace they can afford the rent.

    If we don’t want businesses “up to standards” (whatever those are) in Downtown Bellevue maybe we shouldn’t have any old strip malls with cheap rent? Funny I thought we were in a recession and wanted more business to come to our city.

  6. Valid point DES. I’m concerned that people are so concerned about this non-issue. I heard that guns are legal in this country and community and have been for quite some time.

    I think more people are going to be killed in Bellevue from driving around distracted with their dogs on their laps or slipping on spilled lattes than by an enraged gunman purchasing a new weapon on their lunch break and lighting up the office complex (assuming they have a lunch break long enough to complete the required 3 day waiting period before purchasing a new firearm)

  7. Vinny is right ~ this is such a non-issue. I welcome the store and wish them success in our community. Another valued service to the law abiding citizens of Bellevue.

  8. I can see it from both sides, but at least if you’re going to put a gun store in any location, at least place a better sign than the pathetic one they have up right now, “Discount Gun Sales” in red font on a white board, LOL, come on now, but then what can you say when you have a similar one below it that says “Bellevue Nails”

  9. HA HA Steve, agreed!

  10. I do not see what the big deal is. You can already buy guns a few miles away at Wade’s. Inside the mall, you can buy swords and knives from that one store with the knight out front.

    Steve, the sign made me giggle when I saw it too. I wonder if it had a classier sign/store front, would people still be upset over it?

  11. This will enable all those Bellevue Betty’s to stock up on discount guns to blow away the guy who mows her lawn, who she mistakes for an intruder. Fantastic.

  12. There is another gun shop right down the street (Wade’s). Big deal.

  13. What is wrong with a gun shop? Please spare your editorial the “we don’t profess to be policy specialists” remark. You act like the first thing someone does when they step out of a gun store is shoot somebody. Most crimes are not committed by legally acquired guns in the first place. You need an education. Would you rather have another restaurant charging $12 for a martini?

  14. It’s about time! There used to be a gun store there years back. I’m glad to see one back again.

  15. This is really disappointing for this developer to allow a gun store to occupy at this location.

    Wrong location for this…That strip is turning into trash with the Money Tree and now a gun store.

    For all of you that are outspoken, clearly there are more people that don’t want the shop in it’s current location, take a look at the poll. 60% of people would prefer to not to have it.

  16. I see nothing wrong with a gun store in downtown Bellevue. In fact, I think we’re all safer.

    We can’t have high-rise condos and pukey stores like Neiman Marcus take up the entire city.

  17. Uh..yeah right. No one is arguing against gun ownership, his point is that gun shops and check-into-cash are ghetto. “Discount guns”?! Thank god the sigh is so small that potetnial home buyers won’t see it. You know what else they need on that block? A pawn shop, strip club, and a liquore store.

  18. Funny how city officials overreact to bikini barista coffee stands but doesn’t care about a Gun Shop in the heart of the city in what is possibly the most trafficked street in Bellevue.

    City of Bellevue, get your priorities straight.

  19. Kd, you’re an elitist. Duh right? I kinda get your point, but gun shops and check cashing exist in 100% of major cities. You’re probably in real estate aren’t you? Is your vision of Bellevue that noone making less than six figures be allowed inside city walls?

  20. I’d prefer the bikini barista (just not next to a park).

  21. GUN SHOP in DT Bellevue?
    What The Pho?
    2nd Amendment? Yes.
    Storefront anywhere? No.
    Needs to be regulated as adult stores are regulated.
    Huge Pawn Shop empty near Seastar & Petco on Main St.
    Go there!

  22. I like the idea of another store adding to the diversity of shopping within walking distance of my home. When I grew up, it was common to stop by Fred Meyer for guns and ammo. I guess that’s not so common anymore.

    I wonder what discount means. Can I buy a glock for under $500?

  23. I like how some of the people’s comments on here, saying ridiculous things like bringing a Gun Shop creates diversity for shopping in downtown bellevue, LOL!!

    Look, I could pretty much careless about a gun store coming into downtown bellevue, but to have your stance be that it helps create diversity for the shopping in downtown bellevue is hilarious!

  24. I’m 100% positive that the property owner is glad to have a new tenant – and that the gun shop will do great business.

  25. Jason: uh, elitist? No. I’m just pointing out the obvious: having a strip mall in the heart of our city is bad for its image. Having a strip mall with a check-into-cash and a gun store is worse. It sends the wrong message to prospective businesses and residents. My “vision” for downdown bellevue would include these estabilishments but in a more appropriate location.

    I understand this property owner needs to make money. But why is it that all of the seediest establishments in town are located on his property and across the street? I wonder if some of these owners are just sitting on their land, waiting for the economic recovery. Short tearm gain at the expense of the long-term development of downtown. Enjoy your glocks.

  26. Sorry Andrew, I think you are mistaken…

    Your quote: “For all of you that are outspoken, clearly there are more people that don’t want the shop in it’s current location, take a look at the poll. 60% of people would prefer to not to have it.”

    Your quote is clearly backwards. Currently, of the poll respondents, 61% consider this “just another store” and only 39% percent stated “this is concerning to me”. According to the poll a majority of the people do not mind

  27. For the people that responded to this article I have a question: Who has lived in this county there whole life? For the most part this county has been formed by mostly blue collar workers

    I hear comments from people that make it sound like they have never left Medina or just got transplanted from the Upper Eastside from NY, NY.

    Yes, Bellevue is a nice place to live. In the last 5 years it’s turned into a “high-class” city by simply building high class buildings.

    KD- Since you had the most recent comment I feel obligated to remind you that Bellevue Sqaure was once a strip mall. Not bad for the city image now, would you say? Whats a more appropriate location for a gun shop? I’m anxious to hear your specific suggestions.

    “Seediest establishments”? A rug shop, 2 restaurants and a check cashing store (maybe I’m missing one)?

    A note to all: As soon as the developer can find someone to buy the other two phases of the superblock development then the “seedie” (sarcasm) establishments will be gone then you can buy more overpriced food and beverages at another superblock in no time flat.

    And KD; trust me….a gun shop is not keeping people from buying into Downtown Bellevue…its the developers with unrealistic condominium pricing. A true salesman can spin a lil’ ole gun shop to seem like a dairy queen (which I miss here in Bellevue!)

  28. this is great news, wade’s needs more competition. obama has been quiet on gun control so far but the fear has led to massive gun sales, it’s a good time to be a gun shop.

  29. Sam: I’m not sure what your point is? Bellevue square was once a strip mall so it is still okay to have them anywhere in downtown? Trust me, if Bell Square were STILL a strip mall, none of us would be having this conversation right now because this website wouldn’t exist. Sure, strip malls have their place, that place is not next to Bell Square or the Bravern.

    And are you saying places like check-cashing are somehow *not* seedy? Are you saying they are not perceived that way? Look, this issue isn’t about gun rights or “elitism”, it is about zoning and the best way to develop downtown and I can’t discuss this with you if you have blinders on. Maybe you’ll start getting serious when Rick’s moves in to the old Underhills furniture building.

    As far as where’d I’d suggest relocating DISCOUNT GUNS: a shop in northern Bellevue Village, the vacant pawn shop, the strip malls south of main street, the strip mall on 105th and 2nd off the top of my head.

  30. Glad to see all the healthy conversation on this topic.

  31. What the photo are article does not mention is that it is adjacent to what APPEARS to be a sleazy massage parlor. Perhaps a little cross marketing between the new shops would be in order…how about some creative types suggesting some promotions in future comments…I can’t wait to read ’em!

  32. Kd: I’ll suggest a different location. How about right next to sam’s house?

    Like Michael said, with all the other restrictions how did this happen. I realize we all occassionaly have to give up some of our pet interests for the betterment of the whole community, but I’ll be damned if you nuts can have a gun store smack in the middle of town when I have to drive 6 miles to get to the nearest drive through fast food joint (sorry Wendy I’m not a fan)

  33. KD: I guess my whole thinking comes from the past 5 years of the real estate market. Commercial and residential builders thought the same thing from what I believe i’m hearing from you, “Build nicer stuff and more of it and they will come?” The businesses need to first be successful before we build more glitzty buildings.

    I agree that the gun shop in this location is a bit against the development that has been going on for the past five years in the one square mile we call DTB. Nonetheless, commercial vacancies are high and gun sales are up. This conbination is great to a person looking to rent commercial space. Money is money is money (Capitalism!).

    Yes, I am saying that cash checking facailites are not seedy. The renter of that location could care less what you think as long as he has a reliable tenant. Obviously you are the type to judge people that use these facilities.

    I’m glad you are not the decision maker for the city of Bellevue in regards to zoning or we’d have a bravern on every block with 95% vacancies. It sounds as if you were born with the blinders to not understand the economics of this situation.

    Seattle couln’t block a strip club near Safeco, so if one takes the space at Underhill’s that would be great! More revenue for the City of Bellevue! Again, see: Capitalism.

    As far as your suggections: THEY ARE ALL IN DOWNTOWN BELLEVUE! If moving the shop to anyone of these locations makes you happy then I fail to understand your argument in the first place.

    I welcome a gun store next to my place. I already have one 2 miles from my place, so having another .5 miles from my place is even better.

    Great topic: Bottom line, it’s there… with it!

  34. Sam: last thing I have to say about this because if you are actually willing to put a strip club in at Underhills then there is really no reasoning with you.

    1. good zoning improves the ability for all businesses to function, see: capitalism. Allowing dodgy businesses will eliminate vacancies short term but cause loss of future income as potential tennants look for a nicer location, see: economics. And if you think people in general don’t judge the character of a neighborhood by the types of stores and, hell, just the general upkeep of the place then I don’t know what to say to you other than it must be hard to see at night with those rose colored glasses: see sociology/reality. Your anything goes approach to development would result in Bellevue being an embarassement rather than the growing jewel it is today.

    2. My suggested locations are in downtown because I have no problem with gun stores in downtown. However none of the locations are on main roads, next to residential areas, or within the path of future large scale developments (as far as I know). The current location of the gun store and strip mall is in the absolute heart of downtown.

    At any rate, it likely isn’t worth arguing over as I’m certain the property owner will sell the land the minute the economy rebounds and collect a tidy profit.

  35. And now, West Coast Armory Indoor Range is opening up down near Factoria? Yeah, baby! It just keeps gettin’ better and better.

  36. KD I am not sure why you think a gun shop is a dodgy business. Criminals are not going to be getting FBI background checks on their guns…

    Plenty of people in those shops are very wealthy

  37. KD: How you can use zoning as an example of capitalism is beyond me. Zoning is a government creation used to infringe on property owners’ rights, under the guise of “preserving the character of the community.”

    Bellevue a “growing jewel”? Well, it’s definitely /growing/: see Edge Cities.

  38. Justin: whether or not the establishments actually are dodgy is only a part of the equation. Another part is how the establishments are preceived. I own guns and I really don’t think there will be any criminal element at this gun store. All I’m saying is that I like the direction our city planners have taken with the downtown core. They have built a perception of luxury, wealth, pro-business, and safety which has kept our town relatively booming through a recession. Let’s do more of that.

    3legdog: well that is one way to understand zoning. However, I’d put it more along the lines of government regulations that attempt to structure neighborhoods such that development best serves the surrounding community of businesses and residents. In terms of capitalism, this was poor word choice on my part, but my meaning was that by creating a place which attracts upscale/large businesses to the core, the marketplace as a whole will be more profitable. This was essentially the existing strategy for downtown development last time I read through the city council minutes.

  39. Discount Gun Shop is a great add to Downtown Bellevue. More people will get hurt/killed with the DWIs coming out of the bars. Many of the gun buyers are apt to be the leaders in the community and area businesses.

  40. I think that the gun store there is not a bad idea at all. I don’t own a gun and don’t intend on purchasing one but who am I to tell a business owner to not open a store that may earn him some potential income. If there is a demand for guns here in downtown bellevue then he/she will be a sucess. I do agree that the people buying guns leagaly are not the people we should be concerned about. If we want Bellevue to continue to grow and be a lively and diverse city we need to stay open minded.

  41. I live just a few blocks away, walk by there severl times a week with my three young children and didn’t even notice it. On the other hand, I can’t wait until the two Washington Square condo buildings fill up, so they can tear the ugly strip mall down and build more residential and more expensive commercial real estate. Higher rents should take care of the problem. Until then it should be very convenient to get a quick loan at the Money Tree next door, go up the stairs and buy a gun to stimulate the economy.

  42. Did anybody see the “GUNS & AMMO” sign that the guy was parading around the street this weekend to advertise for the store?

    How tacky…

  43. “Did anybody see the “GUNS & AMMO” sign that the guy was parading around the street this weekend to advertise for the store?

    How tacky…” – LOL John! I totally agree. He was waving it around on Christmas Eve like “Hey moms and dads, buy little Johnny his first working gun this Christmas! Maybe Santa will throw in some phat ammo!!” The sign was a hilarious sight for DT Bellevue!

  44. I’ve got it! A way that a gun shop can stay in Downtown Bellevue. Gucci holster…Prada ammo cannisters…..Louis V. shooting glasses! Cha Ching! 🙂

  45. Do they have good deals of Mac10’s? Was thinking about getting one for my grandma.

  46. For the folks that mentioned Wades, Wades gun shop used to be in that location, and operated there for over a decade.

    It wasn’t news then, and it isn’t news now.

    They moved down the street to expand and open the gun range.

  47. WOW great post MIchael 🙂

  48. To Lea and John:
    And Underhills going out of business sign” and the Jewlery stores going out of business sign, Petco’s going out of business sign were not tacky? get a grip.

    Now my wife can go shop at the new Marcus, While I shop for my new sidearm or hunting rifle.

    I applaud the Discount Guns Sign. It is comical and cuts overhead costs as well as reduces the carbon footprint of their store . . . maybe we can all light up “BING” on the side of our building every night I am sure that doesn’t consume energy.

    To those who this applies:

    Quit being an elitist and forcing your values upon other honest law abiding citizens who can afford to buy guns without visiting your “sleazy” cash checking stores, also not everyone believes in a bank either.

  49. Like, what is the big deal right. Sure they have an ugly sign, but really people… Not everyone can afford to have Susan Marinello design there space. Give the guys a break. I am sure they carry only the most expensive hand guns. I myself want to get one of those to die for (pardon the expression) Glock Model 35’s with matching ostrich skin clip holder and alabaster Diane von Furstenberg grip. I hear that when you fire it it sounds like a slot machine paying out. Fabulous!

  50. honestly, I ignore that business plaza or section. it’s an eye sore for some unknown/unexplainable reason. LOL.