Parents can learn more about local education resources during a free, family-friendly event in Downtown Bellevue next month.
ParentMap’s “Education Extravaganza” will feature more than 80 schools, tutors, learning specialists, and extracurricular activities from the Puget Sound area. The event runs from 5-8pm Tuesday, October 11, at Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St.
Education leaders will speak on age-specific topics including: college funding at 5:15-5:45pm, choosing an elementary school at 6-6:30pm, digital tween fads at 6:45-7:15pm, and positive school-family partnerships at 7:30-8pm. Children can enjoy a craft table and an educationally-themed magic show by Jeff Evans of EduMazement.
Event attendees can enter to win a $2,500 tuition credit toward their child’s education. To RSVP or for more information, visit their website.