BelMar Marijuana BellevueA third recreational marijuana shop has made its debut in Bellevue, recently. BelMar on 116th Ave Northeast, has opened at the former location of Pawn Pros. State law allows for a total of four recreational marijuana Stores in Bellevue. BelMar is the third of such stores to open in Bellevue, to date.

Khang Nguyen, general manager, states in a recent Bellevue Report article that BelMar will begin its operation with selections from four indoor grow suppliers. The most popular selling items are edibles and vaporizer pens. With recreational prices falling, locally, BelMar has priced its inventory at $16-$25 per gram. New state regulations will require BelMar to frost its windows, to limit visibility of store inventory, from 116th Ave. Northeast.

BelMar’s retail location happens to be in the path of a Sound Transit light rail line slated for Bellevue in future years. Until then, Nguyen and staff will be on the lookout for a suitable real estate replacement location in Bellevue.


  1. conveniently located across from the new chik-fil-a. stoners rejoice.

  2. Hope this goes out of business. It is a federal crime and a shame it disgraces our fine city.

  3. Thanks Mark. Took the words right out of my mouth.

  4. Wow you two sure are cleaver. Must be all the drugs that make you so witty. Losers.

  5. Is the lack of drugs hurting your spelling, Jeff? It’s “clever” not “cleaver”.

  6. Yeah I misspelled a word that could definitely be attributed to a lack of illegal drugs. You people are insane to think drugs are good. I don’t care what you do I just don’t want it in our nice town. It brings an unsavory element that I prefer stay in the lower income communities.

  7. I live near, and drive by, Green Theory almost daily. The “unsavory” element I see going into and coming out of the store? Silver-haired gentlemen driving late-model luxury vehicles. Women who would look right at home at Jarbo and Hot Yoga. Clean cut 20 somethings who probably work at MSoft or Expedia. Your idea of who is purchasing cannabis from a legal store is a skewed stereotype, and not at all reflective of reality. Once cannabis use becomes as normalized as martini use, I bet you’re going to be surprised by the entirely “savory” element enjoying this legal substance. Who knows, they might even be under your own roof 😉

  8. Jeff’s just trying any way possible to keep the poors out of his town.

  9. Its illegal and the stereotype is there for a reason. That doesn’t mean there are not casual users or users with wealth. Its just not something I care for. As an American in a free country I can feel however I choose. Much like how you all like it. I don’t have to do anything to keep the “poors” out of town. They can’t afford the prices and that is not my fault. Bellevue is a beautiful city and I appreciate it quality of life and I hate to see anything that jeopardizes that.

  10. I’d be very curious to see some stats that bear this stereotype out, Jeff. Every study I’ve ever seen shows that the majority of illegal pot use goes to households above the median income. I wouldn’t expect this to change with legalization.

    The problems that you mention are primarily from distribution of pot when said distribution is illegal.

    Now, the story changes quite a bit for specific drugs that do have more users in the lower income brackets (which is basically every drug except for alcohol, marijuana, powder cocaine, and mushrooms – all of these are drugs used mostly by the two upper income quintiles).

  11. The people I see smelling or using pot always look so classy. Wait a second… looooosers.

  12. Um, well there’s your problem. Most pot users do it at home, because it’s been, you know, illegal. The ones you see on the street are obviously not the normal ones.

    Most people I see drinking alcohol on the street look less than classy.

  13. I cannot be convinced its a good thing. Much like how many of you are not going to be convinced its bad. I just don’t care for it in Bellevue so close to a school especially.

  14. Fair enough, Jeff. I’m not at all convinced it’s a good thing either, but I see it as much less harmful than liquor stores and bars near schools. I’d vote for more stringent alcohol regs in a second.

  15. a legal in washington marijuana shop that pays taxes and provides jobs is a shame that you hope goes out of business? unsavory characters you say? well, let me think on this a moment. sure, there’s unsavory individuals associated with illegal marijuana sales. i’ve seen dealers at high school football games here so, i’ll agree with that. but those bozos aren’t the ones that would be opening a legal store and the customers won’t be high school kids so i don’t think that’s an apples to apples comparison. that’s just like lumping in the hobos sleeping under the overpass with the guy at safeway buying a bottle to enjoy with dinner. i disagree with you, Jeff and your outdated thinking. as an american expressing my opinion, i hope you move away.

  16. Jeff,

    Just because you can’t be convinced does not make you right. You can have your opinion, but opinions are not facts.


  17. Options are just that, opinions. You all must be drug users. I know it must be hard for you to accept but drugs are bad. Jack, as an American with more pride and respect for this great land than most, I will not be moving away. I am saddened by the outpouring of support for such a business of such low moral standards. I don’t care for the tax money that comes from a criminal operation.

  18. Jeff, I expect that you abhor the 21st amendment as well? Working to bring back the 18th?

  19. No problem with alcohol Boris. Not a fan of drugs, I think that is clear.

  20. I’ve generally found the scariest people around to be those that don’t consider alcohol a drug. They’re the type that think that they can drive after a few drinks, etc.

  21. You like to make a lot of assumptions Boris. I find that those who think drugs are okay are much scarier than a guy who drinks a beer or two. I never said I think its okay to drink and drive. Its not, also its not good that people are driving around after using “legal marijuana”. That is scary because I am guessing they are on the road all hours not just the higher risk Friday and Saturday night.

  22. That’s a lot of guessing. Here’s what we know about the most dangerous drug out there, which you seem to deny is even a drug:

    88,000 deaths in five years. Wow.

    Every expert agrees that alcohol would be classified as a schedule 1 drug if not for the cultural history. Tobacco too, but fortunately we’re slowly outlawing that one.