Protests assembled on the afternoon of Sunday, May 31 in Downtown Bellevue. What began as a peaceful protest in Downtown Bellevue for the wrongful death of George Floyd turned into a tale of two scenes. One, an ongoing peaceful protest throughout the afternoon and evening, and another looting and vandalism throughout the downtown core of Bellevue.
These pictures and videos assembled from the various individuals provide a glimpse into the series of events that took place on what will likely be a notable day for years to come.
Beginning stages of the non-violent protestors
Nonviolent protest in Bellevue Sq, Washington. Minutes later the national guard drove up and police shot tear gas into the crowd. #ICantBreathe pic.twitter.com/Bm10xLXXMy
— Hadi Partovi (@hadip) May 31, 2020
Bellevue Police deploy flash bang and tear gas into crowd of rioters
Air4 is live over Bellevue where protests have broken out near Shops at Bravern and tear gas has been deployed.
Watch our 4pm newscast live: https://t.co/AT61GaqHuo pic.twitter.com/qD57qko86V
— KOMO News (@komonews) May 31, 2020
Attempts to break into Hermes at The Bravern
They attempting to loot the Hermès store in my building at the Bravern in Bellevue. Lighting fireworks. Tried flipping a car. #BellevueRiots #BellevueProtests #Bellevue pic.twitter.com/Zib47bUu5n
— LT Murray IV (@YogaBae143) May 31, 2020
Looters entering Macy’s at Bellevue Square
Other side of mall @DTBellevue @BellevueDotCom pic.twitter.com/B2jri2TLfz
— Chris Bell (@Chrisbell85) May 31, 2020
Looters running through The Bravern
They coming at my place of residence at the Bravern for that Hermès and Louis Vuitton. I seen some walking back to maybe scout out the situation….will they return? #Bellevue @DTBellevue @BellevueDotCom #BellevueRiots #Bellevueprotests #BLM pic.twitter.com/YwBiJcMwDH
— LT Murray IV (@YogaBae143) May 31, 2020
Protestors chanting “don’t shoot”
@DTBellevue @BellevueDotCom pic.twitter.com/rWD7halW7B
— Chris Bell (@Chrisbell85) May 31, 2020
Successful engagement between those protesting and the Bellevue Police Chief
BELLEVUE, WA – #BlackLivesMatter protest was peaceful and gained ground as @BvuePD Police Chief Steve Mylett and another officer were given time to speak. Organizers were given an opportunity in the future to meet. The Chief also kneed for #GeorgeFloyd. pic.twitter.com/DYoKOiMqQc
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Steve Mylett addresses and engages with crowd of peaceful protestors
“We are with you, we’re not against you.” @BvuePD chief Steve Mylett addresses the crowd gathering in Bellevue; condemns the four officers involved in #GeorgeFloyd‘s death and other police-involved deaths – and how his police force is learning and moving forward. pic.twitter.com/H6dxjQheY8
— KOMO News (@komonews) June 1, 2020
Looters entering Macy’s at Bellevue Square
i’m all for peaceful protesting but seeing people coming to bellevue just to loot breaks my heart. totally taking away from the whole point of marching ): focus on the movement and don’t take advantage of it (not my video) pic.twitter.com/H514HuYeuH
— Meghan Kelly (@megkelly77) May 31, 2020
Graffiti outside of Bellevue Square
Bellevue Square is a free load. No police. pic.twitter.com/rxdD2bP1lG
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Looters steal from Bellevue Square by filing up a garbage can
More looters (all races and sex) leave the south end Bellevue Square with thousands of merchandise from different stores. #bellevueprotest pic.twitter.com/94Uz05BVVu
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Video of looters inside Bellevue Square stealing merchandise
Inside Footage Of Bellevue Square Mall#bellevueprotest #protests2020 #protests pic.twitter.com/8ukhidBQ5U
— DJ SKETCH (@therealdjsketch) June 1, 2020
Car catches fire during riots in downtown Bellevue
Here’s someone’s business truck on fire at 106th and 12th St in Bellevue. Heard firefighters say they’re just gonna have to let this burn out. #Q13FOX pic.twitter.com/ccQtjvWFy0
— Simone Del Rosario (@SimoneReports) June 1, 2020
Bellevue Police Department make arrests
Bellevue, Washington. You can walk to Gates and Bezos home from here. Had to walk by where one of my daughters was born to get here. pic.twitter.com/xk0AtP2vhF
— Blindman54 (@Blindman_54) June 1, 2020
A tale of two events: peaceful protesters and looters
Picture of two different worlds. Peacefully protesters and looters. #bellevueprotest pic.twitter.com/F6ihmAs5Qv
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Peaceful protestors take a knee
Peaceful protestors take a knee. Call on officers to do the same in “solidarity.” pic.twitter.com/LJHKq2VQBQ
— Aaron Granillo (@AaronKIROFM) June 1, 2020
Store owner of cigar shop catches looters
The owner of a cigar shop caught some looters #Bellevue pic.twitter.com/KgyVjyIoMv
— ????????? (@ZVKKARi) June 1, 2020
SUV Driver goes through crowd of protestors
From a bit earlier, a SUV drove through a crowd of protesters in Bellevue.
More: https://t.co/7kCIdhTNlw
Watch LIVE: https://t.co/i0scr171jJ pic.twitter.com/weOLjoAYXe
— KOMO News (@komonews) June 1, 2020
Looters steal goods from Bellevue Square stores
BELLEVUE SQUARE – Looters filled their hands with shoes, clothes, purses while police handed a #blacklivesmatter protest. More than a hundred officers were around the mall while looters took items for more than 4 hours. SWAT teams entered and cleared the mall. #bellevuelooters pic.twitter.com/j7Ff72X254
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Protestors advocating for “Black Lives Matter” due to George Floyd’s death
BELLEVUE, WA – Hundreds protested #GeorgeFloyd death near Bellevue Square. This was peaceful and allowed those to grieve and have a voice. A @BvuePD officer high fives a member of the #BlackLivesMatter during the protest. #bellevueprotests pic.twitter.com/QfsVOho1y8
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020
Bellevue Police SWAT team engage with looters
BELLEVUE SQUARE – Looters come out of the north Macy’s entrance while several people were detained connected to other incidents. Looters even passed a @BvuePD Officer while crossing Bellevue Way. #bellevuelooting pic.twitter.com/UkNYR8z4lv
— David Nelson (@wapio3021) June 1, 2020