A protest of George Floyd’s wrongful death in Downtown Bellevue on Sunday partially turned into looters stealing and vandalizing surrounding businesses and parks. Community members came together on Monday morning to help pick up the pieces from the destruction, including removing graffiti, vandalism, and trash.
The photos and videos assembled provide context and documentation into the damage left, as well as the clean up efforts.
Downtown Bellevue Boarded Up
With help from everyone downtown bellevue is quick to clean and secure everything from yesterday @DTBellevue @BellevueDotCom pic.twitter.com/ZE9z5LzRmF
— Chris Bell (@Chrisbell85) June 1, 2020
Community Comes together to help clean park and shopping Center
We are so appreciative of our community for coming together to help clean our shopping center and Downtown Bellevue! pic.twitter.com/NeVAqLo3Pf
— Bellevue Collection (@BelleCollection) June 1, 2020
Police Chief Steve Mylett and Young Community Members Hug
Bellevue Police Chief Steve Mylett offers hugs this morning…@KING5Seattle pic.twitter.com/tM0b8lAwtg
— Chris Daniels (@ChrisDaniels5) June 1, 2020
Cleaning up graffiti outside Bellevue Square Nordstrom
Work party outside Bellevue Nordstrom—-@KING5Seattle pic.twitter.com/uKgCiW6DbE
— Chris Daniels (@ChrisDaniels5) June 1, 2020
Morning aftermath and cleanup
Aftermath & cleanup after last night’s looting in Bellevue, WA. pic.twitter.com/Gka87iaIxX
— ₿rian⚡️Lockhart (@BrianLockhart) June 1, 2020
Monday morning aftermath of looting all around downtown Bellevue
Downtown #bellevue after math @DTBellevue #bellevueprotest #bellevueriots pic.twitter.com/imD9Kyh65h
— Chris Brown (@AlphaZealot) June 1, 2020
Photos of looting aftermath inside of Bellevue Square
Pictures Of The Bellevue Square Mall#looting #protests2020 #bellevueprotests pic.twitter.com/xqiB9BEmOp
— DJ SKETCH (@therealdjsketch) June 1, 2020