First Sign up for Avalon Meydenbauer Retail
If you’ve been looking around this week when your on Bellevue Way, you would’ve noticed the first permanent sign is up at Avalon Meydenbauer for Desert Sun Tanning Salons. They will open up at the location in two weeks. So, for those looking for a great fake-in-bake in the core of Downtown Bellevue, wait no longer; they take care of you (especially to those of you who will live at Avalon Meydenbauer Apartments, your discount is 50% off!).

Bellevue Square – Victoria Secret Moved for Remodeling
Many men this last week while shopping for Valentine’s day might’ve realized this already, but Victoria Secret has moved to a temporary location on the first floor next to Tiffany’s.


  1. I’ve gotta share this embarrassing story with you. While taking the picture of the new Victoria Secret Location, I was reprimanded by a Victoria Secret employee.

    This makes sense…Can you imagine a man taking pictures of Victoria Secret? This is creepy. They probably thought I was taking pictures of the people inside the store.

    I stumbled trying to explain what I was really doing there, and what the reason for taking the picture was. Even if she did believe me, it was quite embarrassing once I realized what it might look like to others.

  2. That is REALLY funny! I used to work at Victoria’s Secret and we had men all the time who asked to take pictures of a “little number.” I always had hoped it was to show their wife or girlfriend to see if they liked it, and not for their own personal pleasure!

  3. why would anyone take pictures of something to show the wife? Maybe they don’t have this thing called ‘the interweb’

  4. Ug another tanning salon? I wish these expensive mixed use places would drop the rent so a local store could open up here, instead of a tanning salon or a Quiznos.

  5. I agree…We don’t need another tanning salon in the heart of Downtown Bellevue, let alone anywhere else. We are employing most of Bellevue High School’s population and encouraging the members of our community to increase their risk of cancer…Not to say that I haven’t gone tanning, but another place, really?