We’ve developed this page as a community resource to provide transparency to the various businesses and organizations that are closed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This page also provides  links to apps that allow online ordering from local businesses. Additionally, we’re providing a list of organizations that need support and resources from the community.

Do you have additional content or information for this page? Email us: [email protected] 

Restaurants That Are Open for Take-Out and App Ordering

With the volume of restaurants that are planned to re-open in the immediate future we have stopped tracking the restaurants that are open.

Online Ordering Apps to Support Local Businesses

Additionally, there are many restaurants that offer to-go ordering.

Organizations in Need of Support

  • Bellevue LifeSpring – In need of donations due to cancelation of annual luncheon, as well as Bellevue families being impacted due to parents work hours cut or eliminated. 
  • Bloodworks Northwest – Blood supply is at emergency levels due to the Coronavirus. Bloodworks is in need of blood donors.
  • The Sophia Way – In need of Bleach, Clorox Wipes, and hand sanitizer.
  • The Boys and Girls Club Bellevue – The Club is open under a special provision to provide childcare services for our community’s first responders, emergency service providers and highest-needs families. They risk closing their doors due to a lack of funding. Please donate so they can continue their services.

Companies Hiring

We know that there is a tremendous economic impact due to COVID-19, and as a result many are out of work. We’ve put together a list of companies below that are hiring.