This last weekend, the over 4,000 sq-ft retail Burberry store, opened inside of Bellevue Square on the first floor next to Apple, taking over Gap Kids old location.

The store from the outside looks small and intimate, but once inside, the size of the store and clothing selection is impressive!

It compliments the newly opened Lacoste store next door to it, fitting in perfectly with the other luxury stores nearby, including Tiffany’s, Apple, Movado, Nordstrom, and more.

One Comment

  1. I wandered over there this evening, and I found that the layout of the store was just confusing, to the point that I was half-tempted to ask the staff (who were friendly, but it didn’t look like they had a whole lot to do while I was there anyway) for a map so I could find things. Then again, I’m guessing that I’m probably not in the target demographic for a store selling $120 t-shirts anyway. For that much money, I’d just go grab a cheap shirt or two from JCPenney and blow the rest on an iPod next door.