Amazon Fresh LogoAmazonFresh, the online grocery delivery service with over 40,000 available items, has been delivering to Downtown Bellevue for over 2 years now since mid-2007. AmazonFresh is a convenient way for customers to grocery shop from the comfort of their personal computer.

AmazonFresh is partnering with the Downtown Bellevue Network to give away one lucky winner a $100 gift certificate. To enter you must send us email ([email protected]) with your full name along with what the first thing you’d order from AmazonFresh would be if you won the giveaway. The winner will be picked at random. Submit your email by 11/22/09, and the winner will be announced on Monday, 11/23/09.


  1. Yum, I like this contest idea. Will have to think about this one…

  2. I would order lobster, champagne and some sort of fruit tartlet

  3. Cool giveaway! I think I’ll blog about this!!!