Bellevue Downtown Association’s 36th Annual Celebration

The Bellevue Downtown Association will celebrate their 36th anniversary at Meydenbauer Center on Thursday, January 28th. The event will include a reception, dinner, and a2009 award presentation (see 2008 awards winners here).

This event’s keynote speaker is Rebecca Ryan, the founder of Next Generation Consulting and author of Live First, Work Second: Getting Inside the Head of the Next Generation.

Tickets: BDA Members $85; Non-Members $95 – Click Here To Attend

Eastside Heritage Annual Benefit Dinner

The Annual Heritage Benefit Dinner raises funds in support of the Eastside Heritage Center’s mission of preserving the past, building community, and connecting people with their heritage.

In addition to maintaining and preserving the largest collection of Eastside-related artifacts, photos, and archival materials, the EHC focuses on sharing this collection with the community through exhibits, books, presentations, research services, and educational programming. EHC offers professional curatorial assistance and collaborates with other Eastside historical and civic organizations to preserve the past, providing the community with a sense of continuity and relevance.

It is the vision of the Eastside Heritage Center to have a destination heritage museum and research facility that enhances community identity through the preservation and stewardship of Eastside history.

Tickets: $100 Donation per Attendee – Click Here To Attend

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