City of BellevueThe City of Bellevue is offering incentives to get your feedback regarding all aspects of public transit in the city. To get your feedback, a transit survey has been devised. To date, thousands of surveys have been completed. The objective is to create a master plan aimed at making the transit system serving Bellevue more accessible, more effective, and more enjoyable. Three local restaurants have stepped up to offer individuals a chance to win gift certificates, for those who complete the survey. The participating restaurants include the Purple CafĂ© & Wine Bar ($75), Daniel’s Broiler ($100) and El Gaucho($100).

City planners hope to identify the city’s most important transit corridors, as well as to define new potential ridership markets, as the City of Bellevue grows. Another priority for the survey, is to receive feedback so that transit facilities and services can be integrated with infrastructure such as sidewalks and bike lanes. City officials hope to enhance transit service through roadway improvements such as traffic signal upgrades. Survey input will help planners coordinate with Metro and Sound Transit to create more efficient options for Bellevue riders, resulting in a more usable and safer transportation system.

The online transit survey is available until March 23rd.

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