According to city records, a new apartment building has been submitted for design review by Hu Development at 302 Bellevue Way Southeast. The building is planned to be located at the corner of Wolverine Way and Bellevue Way, behind the bus stop. The proposal is on an undeveloped property zone.
The proposed apartment complex would be 2,900 square feet with mixed-use office and residential space. The building would have two apartment units above an office use space, underground and surface parking with 11 parking stalls, as well as associated improvements. The proposal includes modifications of steep slope areas, 50-foot-top-of-slope buffer and 75-foot-toe-of-slope structure setback. The project site is 16,565 square feet.
The designer for the building is Wu Architecture, a privately held company based out of Kirkland.
The application for this multi-use project was completed in June 2018. The appeal deadline is August 29, 2019.
Kara, I am new to Bellevue and am currently the VP, Manager at the downtown Opus branch. I would love to connect with you if you have time.