A Twitter post that is going viral includes a Bellevue Police Officer taking down a black woman and placing her into a chokehold after she was stopped for a reason that is unknown. The Bellevue Police Department has confirmed that the incident occurred in December 2018.
The Bellevue Police Department will be releasing documents related to this story. We will update this article as the information becomes available.
The Bellevue Police Department have released a statement in regards to this incident that took place on December 23, 2018.
“This particular incident was investigated through the department’s Use of Force review process and the department’s complaint process. It was found to be in compliance with department policy.”
“I want the public to know that we take all use of force very seriously,” said Chief Steve Mylett. “The video is disturbing. When taken in its complete context the officer’s actions were determined reasonable for the resistance he was faced with. From the officer’s perspective, he believed the driver posed a threat to him and others in the area through her refusal to comply with his lawful repeated orders, continual efforts to remove her hand from her purse, and her attempts put the car in gear. As a result of the totality of the situation and the driver’s resistance, the officer used force to overcome the active resistance.”
The statement provided an incident recap from the Bellevue Police Department:
“On December 23, 2018, at approximately 11:00 am, the driver was stopped for suspicion of failing to transfer her automobile title, a violation of Washington State law. The driver refused every one of the officer’s repeated lawful commands, including producing her identification, showing her hands, and exiting the car. Instead, the driver reached inside her purse, despite the officer’s four separate commands not to reach into her purse. This action caused the officer to fear she was reaching for a weapon.
The driver also left the car in gear and suddenly moved her hand to the gear-control; the officer believed she was attempting to flee or assault him with the vehicle. The officer repeatedly asked her to exit the vehicle, and she refused.
When the officer removed the driver from her vehicle, she continuously refused to comply with the offer’s command to put her arms behind her back. As the officer attempted to take her into custody she pulled away from the officer and refused to be handcuffed. In order to prevent injury to the driver and himself, the officer took the driver to the ground, and based on the continued resistance, applied a vascular neck restraint technique. video of BPD training with this can be found here.
The driver was arrested on charges of Refusing to Comply with Police, Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest and Motor Vehicle Transfer of Ownership Violations.
The subject was not injured, and she did not file a complaint. Efforts to contact her to obtain a statement as part of the use of force review process were unsuccessful.”
Additionally, the Bellevue Police Department has released the case documents in an attempt to drive transparency.
Someone identify this piece of shit THUG working for the @BvuePD in Bellevue, Wa. @komonews @KING5Seattle #seattleprotest #seattle #bellevue pic.twitter.com/HNf1ydBPlZ
— 〽️ (@mcmdelalxxxv) June 5, 2020
Really? That kind of excessive force was necessary. BULLSHIT! She was no threat, he had her in control the whole time and when she asked for his supervisor he went MMA on her. What a POS.
Really? That kind of excessive force was necessary. BULLSHIT! She was no threat, he had her in control the whole time and when she asked for his supervisor he went MMA on her. What a POS. Asshat
This cop is an absolute piece of scum. Where are the good apples to stop him from choking out a woman, who is on her stomach already? Where are the good apples to prevent this cop from brutalizing this civilian? What is wrong with this police department where any of this is all right???
If one looks at the court docket, it appears she attempted to raise sovereign citizens arguments and eventually competency was raised. The case has still not been adjudicated.
This cop..sorry thug, the person who issued the statement and the person who posted the statement should be fired and put in jail. “i was just following orders” time is over. Your actions matter
The “police” officer did not consider how nervous the person might be by being pulled over. He didn’t pay attention or even considered how frightened she was; all he wanted was obedience. This was not an incident for such use of force. How can she mentally try to comply when he’s like 200lbs of pressure or more on her upper back? It would be natural for her (because she is human) to move around in an attempt to breathe. The officer escalated the situation. I would like a followup on the story, please. I am surprised this happened in Bellevue, WA. I thought the P.O had higher standards in training to be honest.
Police department around the United States needs to be overhauled and severely reform. Communities must participate in the police (peace) department reformation by voting and demanding it. The citizens’ community must participate in the Peace department hiring process. The P.O need psychological tests–many tests, more time in training in their approach and de-escalation before they interact in the neighborhoods, oversight of any police department and new D.A’s. (sorry but I do not want the D.A to be besties with P.O–doesn’t make for fairness and justice now does it?).
Every neighborhood is culturally different and has different needs; they are not war zones.
The officer did not consider how nervous the person might be by being pulled over. He didn’t pay attention or even considered how frightened she was; all he wanted was obedience. This was not an incident for such a use of force. How can she mentally try to comply when he’s like 200lbs of pressure or more on her upper back? It would be natural for her (because she is human) to move around in an attempt to breathe. The officer escalated the situation. I would like a followup on the story, please. I am surprised this happened in Bellevue, WA. I thought the P.O had higher standards in training to be honest.
Police department around the United States needs to be overhauled and severely reform. Communities must participate in the police (peace) department reformation by voting and demanding it. The citizens’ community must participate in the Peace department hiring process. The P.O need psychological tests–many tests, more time in training in their approach and de-escalation before they interact in the neighborhoods, oversight of any police department and new D.A’s. (sorry but I do not want the D.A to be besties with P.O–doesn’t make for fairness and justice now does it?).
Every neighborhood is culturally different and has different needs; they are not war zones.
Though he is being clear on what to do, what he did to bring her down to the ground was excessive! crazy grapple move on the concrete. She appears to not be harmed at the end of it however.
You guys should find her and see if she is okay. There maybe another side to this…?
more research before making a judgement:
Resist arresting! Shout bulls***t to the officer! Don’t comply! Cry when Officer put you in inconvenience for 30 seconds to be able to handcuff you!
Are you people blind (#notall) or just living in a parallel universe where this situation unfolded differently?
She was actively resisting arrest! That’s on the video! I assume it wasn’t the beginning of the situation and earlier she hadn’t been cooperating either. The use of force (brutal force – that’s true) was fully justifiable.
The suggestion has been made that Police should not have the ability to arrest for non violent crimes. Seems to make sense when you see videos like this. Her life is threatened over a failure to transfer a title. If her offense is so terrible, impound the car. What is the necessity to assault the citizen?
When rules are created that allow violence like this, we need new people to make the rules.
I never worry about this happening because I would never not comply with an officer. I would expect regardless of race or gender this to be the result of those actions. A lot of people are complaining about police but as far as I can tell they are all hiring because we have lots of ungrateful citizens making the job miserable. Risking their lives to be there for everyone in our darkest hours. For everyone that wants to complain I urge you to consider becoming an officer and showing us how to do it better if its so easy. Remember for each one that puts on that badge everyday they may not come home to their families. They are always in high risk situations and its on everyone to be better not just them.
No question the policeman in this case is an idiot. The main problem that seems to be repeated is how policemen communicate with people when they are stopped thinking they are in the military and people should respond to instant commands. They forget they are humans and they are 99% of the time scared.
John S what you are forgetting is people being cited are providing identification. Do they have a warrant? Do they have a weapon? Would they hurt someone to escape? YOU DO NOT KNOW. These officers are protecting people. The fact that you are not even considering this shows how out of touch you are from what these individuals face on a daily basis.
Here’s the problem that I see with this…. We don’t actually know the true context of what happened, they are saying that the police said lawful commands like asking for identification, since this sounds like a terry stop since it was a “suspicion” they don’t technically have to provide id. I could be wrong but if I’m fairly positive that you don’t have to listen or comply to certain “commands” that the police actually say. You could just say “Am I being detained or am I free to go”
She is clearly resisting arrest. I can’t speak for everyone, but if I were questioned or detained by a police officer, that is not how I would conduct myself. I believe we have to be cognizant of the fact that police officers belong to one of the few civilian occupations who go to work knowing that they may not return home. They are human. They have families and they fear for their lives as we do. Who’s to say she won’t pull out a weapon or get increasingly aggressive? Maybe if you’re getting arrested, comply??? Don’t provoke authority?? They’re not going to hold court for you on the sidewalk. You’ll have your time and place.
@John S – people have killed for less than a vehicle title. He didn’t just walk up to her and start assaulting her. She resisted.
Instead of being outraged, the community should take that time to educate and teach people to follow the lawful command of an officer. Funny that 99.9% of people have no problem except for many in that community. Excellent work officer
Boy, nothing like fueling the fire. This certainly fits the mainstream media’s playbook. Let’s dig up and report on every story that fits into the narrative of the anti police extreme left. Sad….
White, black, male or female, everyone that is involved in a police encounter, comply (if only for the time being). When will people learn that you don’t resist a police directive? Even if you feel wronged or there’s an injustice, you comply. Otherwise guns may be drawn and lives may be lost. Any legal issues can be addressed afterward when everyone in in a safe environment. That’s what we have investigations for.
For the Record, I don’t support excessive use of force but I do support our men and women in blue. The police are trained on how react in each and every conceivable situation. If the reaction was wrong in your opinion, but is consistent with their training. The training needs to be addressed and modified. Not the officer.
Hmm.. so.. she got out of the vehicle and refused to get out of the vehicle all at the same time? ? #shemagicaf
Glad this place takes comment. People, READ about @bvuepd misconduct… FireMylett. blogspot . — our Chief is worse than this guy and no one reports on it
He thought it nessesary to put his body weight on a lady??? What kind of deception is this…. this is clearly abuse of an officer’s position!
That is the dream of america and the western countries!!!!
Bastard officer! Just ask if he can do that to man instead of a soft human being?