Bellevue LifeSpring and three of Bellevue’s top leaders are speaking on the latest COVID-19’s impact on the health of our community and what the future holds for local children. The event is taking place virtually on Wednesday, September 30, at noon. The panel will be speaking from Town Hall.
The panel includes the Mayor of Bellevue, Lynne Robinson, Dr. David Knoepfler, Chief Medical Officer at Overlake Hospital, Dr. Ivan Duran, Superintendant of Bellevue School District, and Jennifer Fischer, Executive Director at Bellevue LifeSpring. The moderator for the event if Matt Lorch, Anchor/Reporter for Q13 News.
Bellevue LifeSpring is accepting questions from the community for their panel speakers. Please email questions to [email protected] or visit the registration link to submit inquiries or to register for the event.
This event will be recorded and presented online. It will remain available for those that are unable to watch the recording at that time.
Bellevue LifeSpring continues to work closely with the school district to address any gaps in service and to help ensure that no student experiences homelessness or hunger as a result of the Pandemic.