In anticipation of the launch of the Eastside light rail starter line this spring, Sound Transit has initiated regular practice runs between the South Bellevue and Redmond Technology stations. These runs occur every 10 to 15 minutes and mark the beginning of enhanced public transportation in the area.
The upcoming Eastside light rail line, now referred to as the 2 Line ( was previously East Link) is set to transform commuting between Bellevue and Redmond, ultimately extending its reach to Mercer Island and Seattle in the near future. Sound Transit operators and maintenance staff have been working on the 2 Line since November, undertaking simulated services to ensure a seamless and safe experience for passengers.
The City of Bellevue is reminding residents and commuters to use caution, especially in areas with street crossings. The BelRed district, with its four street crossings, warrants special attention from pedestrians and motorists alike.
The City of Bellevue urges to pay special attention when you’re crossing Northeast Spring Street, Northup Way or 136th Place Northeast, all near the Bel-Red Station and light rail crossing areas:
- Look both ways. Trains come from both directions, so always expect a second train!
- Take headphones off, put screens down. It’s important to stay alert to be safe.
- Take crosswalks, not shortcuts. Trains always have the right of way, so pay attention to crossing signals and only cross at designated crossings.
- Bike smart; ride safe. When you’re riding a bike, always cross tracks at a 90-degree angle to prevent getting stuck.
The 2 Line will add 6.6 miles, eight stations, and two garages to the light rail system. The remaining section, which includes Judkins Park and Mercer Island, are expected to open in 2025.
I do hope that some kind of on-board security presence will be maintained by Sound Transit. Otherwise, this too will devolve into a sketchy, harrowing work or shopping commute seeded with the drug- or alcohol-addicted.
It would be great to include info of what those 8 stops are.. or a link to the map?
Please install bike lockers both Bellevue park & rides. Thank you
It is so exciting that trains are finally coming to the Eastside! But something about this article is disappointing to me. For the 1-line, there are frequent collisions caused by drivers blocking the tracks at the at-grade sections of the route, but the safety suggestions in the article don’t provide any tips for drivers! It is such an obvious omission, considering that drivers are the ones who have potential to seriously harm people with their vehicles.
I think that finishing and opening this stub of a line on the Eastside is a big mistake. There will be little or no ridership and fare revenue, as it starts nowhere and goes nowhere. I live in Redmond and I’ll never use it.
Better that the resources were applied to finishing and opening the Lynnwood extension to Line 1 this year, which would attract way more riders.
I hope that there are several warnings to tell the public to stay off the tracks. I drove the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train and unfortunately was involved in more than a few collisions with people animals and dozens of vehicles. Luckily just one fatality. On other runs throughout out my career several other fatalities occurred. Please stay the hell off the tracks…F
I welcome and look forward to the Eastside light rail service! It would mean that eventually, I’ll be able to take the light rail starting from Redmond to Bellevue downtown, Mercer Island, Seattle and ending at the airport. It would help to reduce stressful airport vehicle traffic and expensive parking! I expect more info. will be provided when it’s getting ready to open to the public. Such as, locations of the eight stops and parking facilities.