Tag: Resonance at Soma Towers

Bellevue Jazz and Blues Festival

2021 Bellevue Jazz and Blues Festival to Return in Person

The 14th annual Bellevue Jazz and Blues Festival will be held in person this year, from October 6-10. Put together by the Bellevue Downtown Association, regional talent will come together to feature over 20 live shoes across Downtown Bellevue. Featured artists include Ray Vega, Thomas Marriot, Roy McCurdy, and Lady […]

Two Time Emmy Nominee to Perform Comedy at SOMA Towers

Resonance at SOMA Towers is collaborating with Seattleā€™s Laughs Comedy Club to feature monthly stand up performances with local and national headliners. On September 26, Michael Yo will be the featured comedian from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. Michael Yo is a two-time Emmy nominee, comedian, actor, radio and television host, who […]