gene-juarez-bellevue-giveaway-massageTake some time out this Summer to RELAX. We’ve teamed up with Gene Juarez to give away a free Gene Juarez Signature Massage to our readers!  It’s simple to enter for a chance to win:

  1. Email
  2. Include your full name
  3. Tell us how you relax in Downtown Bellevue

On Tuesday, July 7th, a winner at random will be selected to receive a Gene Juarez Signature Massage at Bellevue Gene Juarez.

If the idea of a free massage hasn’t already made you open your email to send us your entry, then just read this description of the Signature Massage – It will be sure to have you day dreaming of relaxation in no time!

Escape into a world of blissful indulgence with our ultimate massage experience. Long, fluid strokes relax you as customized essential oils transform your body and mind. Warmed packs release tension and improve circulation, while your feet are renewed with a hydrating masque. A facial cleanse and pressure-point massage are followed by a refreshing eye and lip treatment.

Who couldn’t use one of these, right? Enter today.


  1. This is so great! I will forward this to friends and contacts so they can enter to win, too. Thanks 🙂

  2. I feel more relaxed just reading about this massage…Thanks DBN+Gene for thinking of us.

  3. Great idea! I think I’ll post about this on our blog!!!