Sushi Maru, located on 105th Avenue Northeast, is permanently closed as of today.
According to a sign on their door, the sushi restaurant is being replaced with a new residential building and will begin construction soon.
Sushi Maru opened 9 years ago in July of 2009. They offered conveyor belt sushi that was served fresh by knowledgeable chefs.
For those seeking sushi, there are several other options in downtown Bellevue, including: Sushiya, Marinepolis Sushi Land, Minamoto, Ginza, Sushiya, FLO, Ascend, Rolls and Rolls, Blue C Sushi and more. Where are your favorite sushi spots in downtown Bellevue? Sound off in the comments below.
Tags: Sushi Sushi Maru
You forgot about Japonessa!
That place is a hazmat site given their food safety ratings!
I liked them more than Blue C Sushi.
Sushi Maru *was* my favorite DTB sushi place! I like Blue C but their prices are higher, their selection is poorer, their service isn’t quite up to snuff, and frankly the plates sit too long on the conveyor during off hours. Haven’t been impressed at all with Marineopolis Sushiland although their prices are good, their quality isn’t so great.
Sushi Maru was my favorite as well. Are they opening in a new location, or are they gone forever? I really hope they come back somewhere else.