Skanska, a world leading project development and construction group, has submitted a proposal for design review. The new project is titled “NE 8th”. The property is located at 10660 NE 8th Street and 10630 NE 8th Street.
The site is 77,056 square feet. At the moment, there are three buildings located on this site; the Costain Building (which houses What the Pho and Seattle Coffee Gear), Palace Rugs and Gelati Place. All structures would be demolished. The current tenants would have six months to vacate.
According to a permit, approval is pending to construct a 26-story office building that would be about 556,000 square feet with five underground parking levels and approximately 850 parking spaces. There would also be about 12,000 square feet of ground floor retail space.
The site is near two transit stops on Northeast 8th Street and a quarter mile from the Bellevue Transit Center, making it easily accessible. In 2023, it will be within half a mile from the light rail service.
Skanska acquired the land in July 2018. It was their sixth development project in the Puget Sound region and second project in Bellevue.
“What The Pho” …It is the same as “What The Fu..” and insulting to many people. Very unappetizing..Glad to see them go..