Bike month, which normally takes place in May, was rescheduled to June this year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Despite the fact that Bike Everywhere month will involve less events and in-person bike stations, there will still be incentives and activities to participate in.
Bikers can earn rewards by posting a video or photo of yourself celebrating bike month with hashtag #ibikebellevue or tagging @ChooseUrWayBell on Twitter. One winner will be chosen at random to receive a Choose Your Way branded backpack with branded goodies inside.
A curbside celebration will be held on June 19, 2020. Merchandise can be earned for those who log their trips during this event through Choose Your Way Bellevue rewards.
If you walk, bike, or telework at least eight days through June 30, 2020 and submit your request, you can receive Choose Your Way Bellevue merchandise package.
Please click on the link to view an updated Bellevue Bike Map.