Schnitzer West’s proposed office tower, located on the corner of 106th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 8th Street, has newly released constructions plans. The 1.5 acre property is planned to include a common space, as well as retail uses, and a 25 story office tower.
According to City of Bellevue documents, the development, “Artise”, strives to provide amenities such as outdoor plazas, public art, and enhanced streetscape. There will be 7,532 square feet for retail and up to 509,400 square feet of office space. Also included in the plans are 890 underground parking spaces that will be accessed from Northeast 8th Street.
A newly constructed vehicular access, called a “Schnitzer Woonerf”, will be at 106th Avenue Northeast. “Woonerf” means plaza in Dutch, and is intended for both pedestrians and cars.
The project is believed to play a significant role linking the nearby transit center to the cultural/art center on Northeast 10th Street. “Artise” is designed to signify an important “entry portal” into the downtown core and “Entertainment Street” on 106th Avenue Northeast.
Schnitzer West, a development company, purchased the property from Bosa Development for $65 million in 2019. Bosa originally purchased the property in 2016 for $35 million.

Your story appears to refer to the PACE (Performing Arts Center Eastside) on 10th Avenue. Can you expand on whether it is happening? It is no longer on Bellevue’s map of pipeline projects in the downtown core. We would love it if it still on the drawing boards.