Construction began in mid-june on the old Main Street Bridge across I-405 in Downtown Bellevue. Over 100 crew members worked to complete the demolition of the 260-foot long bridge. Crews are currently rebuilding a new, longer bridge to accommodate the widening of I-405 as part of the Renton to Bellevue Project.
According to WSDOT’s blog, the new bridge will still have four lanes, two in each direction – but it will be friendlier to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The new Main Street Bridge will include a 5-foot-wide bike lane, an 8-foot-wide sidewalk and curb, a 12-and-a-half-foot-wide multi-use path and a 6-foot-wide landscaping planter that also creates a barrier between sidewalks and active traffic.
The design of the new bridge will integrate with existing structures throughout the I-405 corridor in Downtown Bellevue and incorporates decorative finishes. They will be elements inspired by nature that are also visually sensitive to the surrounding areas.
In line with the I-405 Master Plan that was developed in 2002, WSDOT is working to implement multimodal improvements to move more people more efficiently through the I-405/SR 167 Corridor. Pedestrian and bicycle lane improvements are one way of fulfilling this vision. Another aspect include construction portions of the King County Eastrail, and a new crossing over I-405 in Downtown Bellevue at the site of the former Wilburton rail bridge.
The Main Street Bridge will potentially be closed for up to five months while crews construct the new bridge. Northeast Fourth Street will operate as the planned detour route, with signs directing travelers around the closure.
After the five-month closure, the newly constructed bridge will partially open with one lane open to traffic in each direction for 60 days. Drivers will be able to use the bridge during these 60 days but pedestrians and bicyclists will not be able to. After the 60-day partial pre-opening, all lanes and sidewalks on the completed bridge ill open to all travelers.
The bridge is expected to be done in late fall 2022.