The Main Street overpass across I-405 in Downton Bellevue will partially reopen to one lane of traffic in each direction on Sunday, November 20th. The overpass has been closed for five months.
Construction began in mid-June with over 100 crew members working to complete the demolition of the 260-foot long bridge. A new, longer bridge is currently being rebuilt to accommodate the widening of I-405 as part of the Renton to Bellevue project.
Pedestrians and cyclists will not have access to the partially reopened bridge as crews construct a 12-and-a-half-foot-wide multi-use path, 8-foot-wide sidewalk, bike lane, landscaped barrier, and railings.
According to WSDOT, The improved overpass is scheduled to fully reopen to all modes of travel in mid-January.
“After last winter’s concrete strike and a wet spring earlier this year, we are excited to be moving forward with this significant multimodal improvement as part of the Renton to Bellevue project,” I-405/SR 167 Program Administrator Lisa Hodgson said. “Thanks to recent dry weather, our project team’s hard work, and strong communication and partnership with the city of Bellevue, we are able to reopen the bridge on schedule and ahead of anticipated traffic increases during the holidays.”
The Main Street overpass replacement is one of the key features of the widening project. The project has been under contract since 2019. It includes building one new lane in each direction to create a dual express toll lane system between State Route 167 in Renton and Northeast sixth street in Bellevue.