Amazon Go in Bellevue is now open. The address is 10819 Northeast 4th Street. The convenience is store open Monday through Friday from 7 am to 9 pm.
Amazon Go is a 1,400-square-foot cashierless grocery store where customers pay automatically through their Amazon accounts (Just Walk Out technology). Customers can use the Amazon app, a credit card, or Amazon One to enter, shop, and exit the store, being charged only for the items they take.
The store features items like breakfast, lunch, snacks, alcohol, and baked goods. This location showcases local vendors such as Macrina Bakery, Molly’s Salads, and Alki Bakery.
A grand opening ceremony was held on July 31, 2024, featuring a ribbon cutting and remarks by Mayor Lynne Robinson and Amazon Go’s regional leader, Michelle Izeppi.
As of July 2024, there are 22 Amazon Go stores in the United States, with seven locations in Washington.
Amazon announced in April 2024 that it would be removing Just Walk Out technology from its Amazon Fresh stores as part of an effort to revamp the grocery chain, according to NPR. Amazon stated that it would replace this technology with smart carts, enabling customers to skip the checkout line while seeing their spending in real-time.
A company spokesperson stated that Amazon will continue to offer Just Walk Out technology at Amazon Go stores and some smaller Amazon Fresh locations in the U.K.
This store was under construction since pre-pandemic, right?
For this store?
“A grand opening ceremony was held on July 31, 2023”? Or should this be 2024?
And Amazon Fresh phasing out? No mention of that.
Love Amazon Go!
I’ve always wondered if it’s so automated why it’s not open 24 hours?