Grand Connection
This mage shows a section of the preferred design option from under the bridge, on the east side of I-405 facing northwest towards City Hall Plaza.

The City of Bellevue has launched an online open house to showcase the preliminary design concept for the Grand Connection Crossing, which is available through October 30. This project represents an important part of the Grand Connection program, aimed at facilitating safe travel for pedestrians, cyclists, and others over Interstate 405. The crossing will link downtown Bellevue to the Eastrail and the Wilburton neighborhood, enhancing opportunities for events, recreation, and economic development.

This open house provides a platform for the community to see how public input has shaped the design of the Grand Connection Crossing, also known as the Bellevue Grand Connection: I-405 Crossing – Downtown to Eastrail. The design images displayed are preliminary concepts that the project team will refine further based on community feedback in 2025.

Upon completion, the Grand Connection program will provide a safe and enjoyable route from Bellevue’s waterfront to the Eastrail regional trail. At the heart of this effort is the Grand Connection Crossing, a car-free path over I-405 designed for pedestrians and cyclists.

This crossing will link downtown Bellevue to a large network of 175 miles of trails and connect to the region’s growing light rail system. It will also work with plans for a future lid park over I-405, helping develop the Wilburton neighborhood with new shopping, dining, and housing options.

The city has reached an important milestone in the project, having completed 30% of the preliminary design. The answers to key questions like how the project aligns with Bellevue’s safety goals, will help the city estimate the project’s total costs. It will also help to find funding sources from regional, state, federal, and private entities.

Community involvement has been essential throughout 2024. The project team has gathered feedback from residents during two open houses and at community fairs and festivals. This input has highlighted important features for the crossing, ensuring that safety and comfort are top priorities. Nearly 80% of survey respondents noted the importance of keeping bicycles separate from pedestrians.

The city recently completed a Type, Size, and Location Study that compared four design options based on costs, user experience, safety, and potential connections to future developments. After this review, Bellevue decided to focus on a design that prioritizes user experience and connectivity rather than just striking architecture.

The crossing will start at Bellevue City Hall Plaza and extend to the Eastrail. As the design process moves forward, the city plans to publish the preliminary design by the end of 2024 and will continue to seek community input on elements like weather protection, landscaping, lighting, and public art.

Residents are encouraged to stay updated by signing up for project notifications about new materials, open houses, and community events related to the Grand Connection Crossing.

Grand Connection
This image shows the preferred design option from the west side of I-405, from the point of view of someone starting on the City Hall Plaza side.
Grand Connection
The image shows the early landscaping concept and benches.


  1. I cannot wait for this project to get started! As a resident of downtown Bellevue and a business owner in the Wilburton neighborhood this is going to be a game changer for how I get to work daily.

  2. Pingback: Grand Connection Bellevue: Online Open House Feat. Первоначальная концепция дизайна - Строительство. Ремонт. Садоводство

  3. Pingback: Grand Connection Bellevue: Online Open House Feat. Первоначальная концепция дизайна - Своими руками

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