The bike lanes in downtown Bellevue began operating as of July 2018. The project was intended to create more connectivity for people traveling in the city, as well as a connection between the SR 520 and I-90 trails. The lanes now run along 108th Avenue Northeast between Main Street and Northeast 12th Street.
According to the City of Bellevue, the City Council recently discussed ongoing efforts and possible next steps to make downtown Bellevue’s bicycle network safer and more effective. There were two main focuses; keeping 108th Avenue bikeway and potential new bike lanes on Main Street.
After evaluating the bike lanes that were added on 108th Avenue Northeast, from Main Street to Northeast 12th Street, the conclusion was made that the impacts of the bikeway were positive. The majority of people using the bikeway reported feeling safer and more comfortable, bicycle ridership increased by 35 percent, and the majority of drivers on 108th Avenue Northeast liked the separation between bikes and cars. Proposed improvements to the bikeway included adding bicycle signals, enhanced signage and pavement markings.
During the meeting, it was suggested to evaluate extending the bike lanes on Main Street to create a better east-west bike route. Bike Lanes currently run from 103rd to 106th Avenue and an eastbound lane runs from 103rd to 105th Avenue. The proposal would extend bike lanes to 108th Avenue to connect with the Downtown Bikeway.
Now if they would give us back the right hand lane northbound at 108th and main I would stop complaining, but as it is it causes traffic to back up 1/4 mile every time school lets out. This causes people to cut through Surrey Downs at SE 2nd. They also cut through the Surrey Building, which wont be an option when construction on that site begins shortly. The construction there will also impact the planned east-west bike lane.
I also believe the survey they used was slanted toward the answers they seeked. I also believe that those who responded were more likely bike riders. If the results were weighted towards the actual proportion of vehicles to bikes the results would be quite different.
For gosh sisk are you all of your minds.
Do not copies Seattle looser counsels.
Ask yourself how many bikers drive a day? When people drive cars they pay car taps n licenses.
Thank you for your understating.
Amazon is bringing in, what, another 25,000 commuters, the vast majority of which won’t be riding their bikes every day, and you want to take away more space for cars? What are you thinking?