According to the Bellevue Police Department, they have made a decision to increase patrols after a series of home burglaries have occurred in Bellevue and surrounding areas. Detectives are currently investigating at least 16 Bellevue Burglaries tha tthey believe to have been committed by the same group of suspects.
The burglaries have mainly been happening in the evening between 5pm to 9pm. This is when residents are less likely to be home.
The suspects are known to use the trail systems to enter and leave a neighborhood and have a get-away driver and care waiting for them. They have been entering the home through a back door or second-story window.
The burglars have been targeting jewelry, cash, purses, and safes. The crew that is suspected to have been committing many of these burglaries usually travels in groups of three.
They are described as having dark-complexions and wearing dark clothing and masks.
Investigators believe that this is an organized ring that is victimizing people from Kent to Bellingham. The blog acknowledges that most of the Bellevue burglaries have occurred in the Lakemont area.
To help this issue, Bellevue police officers and detectives are not only increasing patrols in the neighborhoods, but are also regularly sharing information with other law enforcement agencies to track and identify these suspects.
Recently, the Bellevue City Council approved an investment in public safety, creating new positions and allocating resources for the Community Crisis Assistance Team and a team to prepare for the arrival of Light Rail.