Bellevue is planning to get a new transit option by 2030 with the arrival of King County Metro’s RapidRide K Line. The City Council received an update on the project during its meeting on Tuesday, February 11, with Metro representatives outlining the latest developments and community engagement efforts.
What is the RapidRide K Line?
The K Line will provide a 16-mile bus service connecting major locations between Bellevue and Kirkland. Planned stops include the Eastgate Park and Ride, Bellevue College, and the Totem Lake Transit Center. In November, Metro recommended a route through downtown Bellevue along 110th Avenue Northeast, which will be an important part of the service.
Improvements to Speed and Accessibility
To ensure the K Line is fast and reliable, Metro presented a list of proposed infrastructure upgrades aimed at improving travel times and access to stops. Over the past month, Metro has been engaging with the community through open houses, surveys, and meetings with local organizations to gather feedback on these improvements.
Employer Shuttles in BAT Lanes?
Along with supporting the K Line, the City Council talked about letting employer shuttles use the Bus and Transit (BAT) lanes. Currently, state law doesn’t allow this, but if legislation changes, more types of transit could use these lanes. Metro will monitor any updates regarding this issue.
Next Steps
Metro will return to the council in March to share the results of their community outreach and seek a letter of support for the “locally preferred alternative.” This document is crucial for securing federal funding for the project. With the council’s backing, Metro can move forward with planning, design, and grant applications to keep the project on track for its 2030 launch.
We could always use more dependable bus service connecting Bellevue to Kirkland. This also helps with HB 1110 allowing for increased density of housing options that are “1/4 mile from a major transit stop”. I hope this moves us in a postiive direction for allowing development of townhouses, stacked flats and cottage homes. We desperately need more housing and especially more affordable housing options that aren’t $5M single family homes.