Bike Bellevue Program
Photo Credit: City of Bellevue

At the most recent Bellevue City Council meeting, staff discussed the idea of a new program to improve mobility options in Bellevue. “Bike Bellevue” aims to implement bicycle network improvements in the urban core area of downtown, Wilburton, and BelRed.

According to the City of Bellevue, the goal of “Bike Bellevue” is to enhance the city’s multimodal transportation system and help make it safer and more equitable, sustainable, and accessible for everyone.

The program is the next step in improving safety, connectivity, and comfort of the bicycle network in the city. It builds on planning undertaken through the 2009 Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Plan, the 2016 Bicycle Rapid Implementation Program, the 2020 Vision Zero Strategic Plan, and the 2022 Mobility Implementation Plan.

The City Council approved the Bike Bellevue project principles and staff will work with the Transportation Commission to prepare a recommendation for implementation.

The Transportation Commission will be holding public meetings to discuss “Bike Bellevue”. The City of Bellevue plans to conduct focus groups to better understand community priorities. The project team also plans to conduct engagement briefings with interested parties.

Meeting dates and times will be added to the City of Bellevue website once they have been scheduled.

Bike Bellevue Program
This map shows the “Bike Bellevue” project area.

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