Downtown Bellevue City Skyline
Downtown Bellevue City Skyline

A recent study sought to highlight the U.S. cities where remote work is most prevalent. It discussed key urban areas where the trend of working from home is prevalent, shedding light on opportunities for a flexible work routine.

Roughly 12% of the United States workforce, totaling more than 18 million individuals, currently engages in remote work, either on a full-time basis or through hybrid arrangements that combine office attendance with remote days.

In the list of the top 10 cities with the most remote workers, two cities stood out: Bellevue, Washington, and Frisco, Texas. Each of these urban centers sees 30% of its workforce operating remotely. Close behind is Cary, North Carolina, with 28% of its population engaged in remote work.

Bellevue, Washington, takes the lead nationally with the largest percentage of employees working remotely. The study acknowledges Bellevue’s high number of tech companies, facilitating widespread access to remote job opportunities. Among the major tech players situated in the Seattle area, Microsoft and Amazon stand out, providing multiple options for those seeking fully remote or hybrid employment.

IT continues to pioneer remote work across the country, with science, finance, and real estate just behind it. It is the western United States that are really making the most difference in the remote work landscape, hosting the largest clusters of telecommuters compared to any other region.

The field of IT remains at the forefront of driving remote work nationwide, closely followed by sectors like science, finance, and real estate. However, it’s the western United States that truly stands out in shaping the remote work landscape, with the highest number of telecommuters compared to any other region.

The study was conducted by StorageCafe. StorageCafe is a nationwide self-storage search website. Their website currently features more than 25,000 storage facilities listings.

As remote work has gained popularity in Bellevue, there’s a corresponding increase in companies opting to let their leases expire or sublease office space. In 2022, the commercial real estate brokerage firm Broderick Group released their Q3 2022 Eastside Office Market Overview, shedding light on these trends.

The discussion focused on the ongoing trend of employees opting not to return to the office on a full-time basis. Utilization rates for many major tech companies on the Eastside plateaued, staying at around 20% to 30%. Forecasts at the time suggested that forthcoming lease expirations would result in increased downsizing and vacancy rates. In response, tenants are predominantly seeking shorter-term leases, reflecting the enduring embrace of Work from Home and hybrid work models.

Companies such as Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon have been observed allowing their leases to expire or opting for subleasing arrangements. For instance, as of April 2024, Meta subleased office space in Bellevue’s Spring District. Additionally, it announced the subleasing of its downtown Bellevue office space in April 2023.

One Comment

  1. this deserves better clarity: 12 or 30?
    “Roughly 12% of the United States workforce, totaling more than 18 million individuals, currently engages in remote work, either on a full-time basis or through hybrid arrangements that combine office attendance with remote days. This makes up around 30% of the total workforce.”