You might have noticed that the Downtown Bellevue Network only “owned”, and was previously owned by a company outside of Bellevue, which had not actively occupied the domain.

Over the last three months we have been in negotiations attempting strike a deal to bring home to Bellevue. (You’d be surprised, good domains are NOT cheap) Finally last week we were successful in purchasing the domain name, and the Downtown Bellevue Network is now the proud owner of downtownbellevue.COM.

Tell your friends!


  1. glad at least somebody in Bellevue owns it now.

  2. How much did it cost?

  3. Congratulations!
    In Bellevue, for Bellevue, by Bellevue….all the best!

  4. Must have cost at least $7-10k…people in Bellevue have the cash…only makes sense.

  5. Yeah, wonder how much you paid for the new name? Ballpark?

  6. C’mon, spill the beans!

  7. Should we have a contest regarding the price?