The Bellevue City Council was recently presented with Planning Commission recommendations for Land Use Code Amendments regarding the Grand Connection project. The proposal reflects the Grand Connection vision and supports continued planning for implementation of Phase one of the project. It also clarifies city regulations.
The Grand Connection will create a non-motorized connection from Meydenbauer Bay Park, across I-405 and into the Wilburton Commercial Area, which will connect to the Eastside Rail Corridor. It includes components like a pedestrian corridor, plazas, wayfinding mechanisms, a crossing over I-405 and arts and culture features.
According to the City of Bellevue, the Land Use Code Amendments currently being considered by the council specifically retaliate to work being done in Sequence One of the Grand Connection spanning from Meydenbauer Bay through Downtown to the east end of the Bellevue Transit Center. In order to develop the guidelines being presented, the city conducted external focus groups with stakeholders of the Grand Connection, internal focus groups, and briefings with broader community members.
The council will take final action on the Land Use Code at a future meeting. More details on the recommendations can be found in the meeting materials.