According to a press release from the City of Bellevue, Meydenbauer Bay Park will be undergoing its second phase of expansion to enhance its connection with downtown Bellevue. The community’s input on park priorities has influenced the potential designs for it.
The designs were presented to the community at a meeting and are now available for feedback through an online survey until July 15th at EngagingBellevue.com/meydenbauer-bay-park-expansion.
The city had previously adopted the Meydenbauer Bay Park and Land Use Plan in 2010, with significant community involvement, to guide the park’s future development. The first phase of development completed in 2019 included the addition of the pier, expansion of the beach, ravine restoration, establishment of a pedestrian promenade, and construction of a beach house with restroom and showers.
Currently, the city is focusing on the second phase of expansion, following the guidelines of the 2010 plan and considering current input and city needs. This phase will extend the park south along the shore towards the intersection of 100th Avenue Northeast and Lake Washington Boulevard.
Feedback from residents, workers, and visitors in Bellevue has highlighted the desire for improved amenities, additional parking, and increased pedestrian and water access. Further input on park improvements will be gathered through meetings and events scheduled for the summer and fall.
The design phase is expected to continue for approximately six more months, with the project timeline to be determined upon completion of this phase.