Dear Lea, Do you recommend any restaurants in Downtown Bellevue to have dinner at on Valentine’s Day? -Hopeless and Hungry Dear Hopeless and Hungry, Here are some fun suggestions to enjoy on Thursday night on that special day: Andiamo: $48 Pre-set Valentine’s Special Menu 0/8 Seafood Grill and Twisted Cork […]
Bellevue News
Bellevue Square Store Closures
The long time tenant of Bellevue Square, Timberland, is closing it’s doors February 25th for good. Signs are up, and they are having a clearance special of 40% off. Another victim of high rent or the poor economy? Williams-Sonoma and The Pottery Barn will temporary close their doors for a […]
Ask Lea: What to buy for Valentine’s Day
I’ve received a few questions from you about what to get your sweetie for Valentine’s Day. It’s not good enough to buy the musical bear from the drug store or $4.99 box of chocolates, especially if you live, work, or shop in the Downtown Bellevue area! I’ve compiled a list […]
Downtown to Expand
It was reported on Wednesday in the The Seattle Times that Auto Row on 116th was given approval by The Bellevue City Council on Monday to increase the height limits up to 75 feet in some cases. Due to the heavy growth in the Downtown Bellevue core, it is inevitable […]
Epicenter Fitness Center abruptly closes
Epicenter, the workout facility at Bellevue Place, effective February 1st, is no longer in business. According to Merle Gregg, president of Epicenter Fitness, “LA Fitness has agreed to honor all active current member, prepaid members, and prepaid personal training sessions.” This came as a complete shock to some members as […]
Microsoft & Yahoo Potential Merger to Effect Local Economy?
Many in the national media have speculated the likelihood of a potential buyout of Yahoo! by Microsoft. The open letter to Yahoo!, from Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, states they are willing to purchase Yahoo! for $44.6 Billion. In a Google dominated Web world, Microsoft attempts to quickly gain market share and […]
Sign Up for Downtown Bellevue Network Email!
We have added a new way to keep updated with the latest Downtown Bellevue happenings! Our new email sign up, located in the top left corner, will allow you to keep up to date with Downtown Bellevue’s most current events. In the following weeks we will implement a weekly email […]
Bellevue Bonds rated AAA by Wall Street!
For those who love to brag about our beautiful city, we now have one more thing to tout – we have great credit! Both Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s have given the City of Bellevue the highest of marks on the city’s general obligation bonds, AAA and Aa1, respectively. The […]
Outlook for Downtown Bellevue Remains Strong
By now I am sure all of you are aware of the nationwide credit crisis, the failing housing market, and some of you have maybe even suffered from the volatile stock market. These are just a few factors that are contributing to the nation’s recession fears. These economic drivers seem […]
Eddie Bauer Cuts 76 Bellevue Jobs
In a move to re-align the organization to its new strategic direction, Eddie Bauer Holdings announced a reorganization of their corporate staff across three locations, eliminating a total of 123 employees in Bellevue, Chicago, and Columbus. 76 of which were out of Bellevue. Neil Fiske, President and CEO, commented, “We […]