Tag: Bellevue Towers

Questionable Seattle Times Article Stirs Readers

A cover story in Friday’s Seattle Times depicted Danil Kasimov’s experience as a buyer at Bellevue Towers. As Kasimov’s move-in date at Bellevue Towers approached, he learned he would no longer be able to afford the home, leaving him out the $75,000 he borrowed from a friend for the earnest […]

If You Build It, They Will Come…And They Have

Expedia has recently completed their move into Tower 333, moving what was anticipated to be 1,700 employees into Downtown Bellevue. The move began in October and finished up in December. The move, which was very smooth, can already be felt by the Downtown community during lunch hours, when employees go […]

Construction Strike Affects The Bravern, Bellevue Towers, City Center Plaza

According to a Seattle Times report, about 500 union fire-sprinkler installers have gone on strike in the Seattle area. This has affected a few Downtown Bellevue projects including The Bravern, Bellevue Towers, and City Center Plaza. Local fire-sprinkler contractors have been striking since Tuesday, when their contracts expired. Prior to […]

18 Cranes Up in Bellevue

The City of Bellevue’s Website just recently posted a listing of all 18 cranes (as of March 10th) and their locations within Bellevue. The majority of these cranes are due to the construction growth in Downtown Bellevue. Projects with cranes: Bravern – 4, Advanta – 3, Bellevue Towers – 2, […]

Bellevue Towers Onward and Upward

If you’ve looked up lately while driving around Downtown Bellevue, you might have noticed the two large residential condominiums filling the sky. These quickly rising structures belong to Bellevue Towers. When complete, the South Tower of Bellevue Towers will reach 450 feet tall, and will be the highest peak in […]

New Project Homeowners Dues

Buying into a new high rise condominium is exciting, but astronomically high homeowner dues can put a damper in the excitement. Here is a list of the homeowners dues (also known as HOD’s) in the popular Downtown Bellevue projects: Bellevue Towers- $0.50 per sq. ft.* Washington Square- $0.37 per sq. […]

Bellevue Towers Update

Bellevue Towers, the 558 condominium dual tower high rise promises to bring the tallest building to Bellevue. The North Tower, which will have 42 stories is now over 75% sold out. The 43 story South Tower will go on sale in early August. The completion of both towers are on […]

In the Market for a Downtown Bellevue Condo?

The multitude of cranes in the downtown Bellevue area are furiously working away at completing their construction projects. Many of these projects are luxury condominium high rises. Unless you are constantly driving around the streets of Bellevue, it might be hard to decipher between commercial and residential real estate buildings. […]