Northeast Spring Boulevard, a brand new street in BelRed, is now open. This street serves as a solid connection to Downtown Bellevue, as well as creating a transit-oriented development.
The new roadway took four years of construction before being ready, making The Spring District easily accessible. It stretches from east of 116th Avenue Northeast to 124th Avenue Northeast. Moving forward, it is going to serve as the main east-west connector between downtown and BelRed. The roadway will then be extended to 132nd Avenue Northeast in the future.
According to the City of Bellevue, the roadway includes four travel lanes with turn pockets, five new traffic signals, a multipurpose path for pedestrians and bicyclists, or sidewalks and an off-street bike path, two bridges over light rail tracks, on-street parking, and landscaping.
The cost of the project was $57 million. Construction is scheduled to begin on the next segment of Spring Boulevard in early 2021.
Spring Boulevard is being built simultaneously with Sound Transit’s East Link. A future segment of the light rail will run down the middle of the street and a light rail station will be located at 130th Avenue Northeast.
Thanks Kara for the reporting. One suggestion is to include a map to show the locations of the subject news or information. As a long time resident of Bellevue, we still don’t know all the streets clearly.