Author: Michael

Ask Lea: What’s Next?

Dear Lea,Downtown Bellevue has a pool hall, bowling alley, nightclub, and movie theater. It’s soon to have a music venue, comedy club, ultra lounge, and Jimmy Choo store. What’s next for Bellevue; what else could we possibly need or want here!?– Dreaming Big Dear Dreaming Big, I get what you’re […]

Kids’ Cove Now Open at Bellevue Square

Many might remember reports of The Boat at Bellevue Square closing in March. Since then, Bellevue Square has been working on their remodel and recently opened the “Kids’ Cove.”  This is an area for kids to play on the many play toys that are now centralized in one area. The […]

Power Out at Bellevue Collection

As of about 2pm Friday, the power at most of Bellevue Square and Lincoln Square are both off. Workers and customers from both buildings have been evacuated until power comes back on. No word at this time (4pm) what is the cause of the outage, or when it might come […]

Superblock, Washington Square for Sale

In today’s Seattle Times, a story has been reported about how the entire block, where Washington Square condominium towers currently resides, is seeking a buyer (or partial buyer) by the developer, Wasatch Development Partners. The story reported that the asking price in a letter in August sent to prospective buyers, listed […]

PetSmart to Open in Downtown Bellevue

Comp USA’s old location on Main Street in Downtown Bellevue has sat vacant for over a year now. Just recently there has been activity inside the location, and it has been posted that PetSmart will occupy the space. With all the additional pets that will be moving in, along with […]

New Stores at Bellevue Square

We recently took a stroll through Bellevue Square; many new stores are coming soon, and some have just recently opened. The following is clearly not a complete list, but here are the most “interesting” stores to mention: You might have noticed right outside of The Lodge at Bellevue Square, that […]

Downtown Bellevue Gets an Entertainment Venue: Parlor Live

Finally, Downtown Bellevue will get what it has desperately needed, an entertainment venue for live music and comedians at Lincoln Square! Parlor Live, as it will be called, is the sister club of The Parlor and will go right next door. So your next question might be, where is there […]

Bellevue Square Clock Tower Renovation

You may have noticed recently that the clock tower has been relocated from Bellevue Square’s center court to outside of the Westin at One Lincoln Tower.  In addition to the relocation, it has also been artistically updated. This has been one of the many efforts in the renovation of Bellevue […]

Bellevue Square Remodel Almost Complete

Bellevue Square has come a long way over this past year in its major interior remodel. It isn’t complete yet, but it’s very close! Take a look at some recent images, which show many of these upgrades in action. The theme of the wood paneling, with the accent of green […]

Earl’s Confirmed at Lincoln Square

As rumored on Monday, it has now been confirmed that Earl’s – the hip restaurant and bar from Canada – will in fact occupy space in Lincoln Square next to The Container Store. Currently, Fashion AXIS has occupied this space on a annual basis. The 9,000 Sq Ft, high-viability space […]