Construction is more than halfway finished on the East Link Light Rail, according to Sound Transit. The project is slated to reach completion in 2023. East Link’s progress has recently been documented.
The inside of the light rail tunnel under downtown leading to the Bellevue Downtown Station is currently being worked on by contractors. Mining operations finished up last summer in the 1,800 foot tunnel.
The Bellevue Downtown Station is street level at Northeast 6th Street. It includes entrances on the east side of 110th Avenue Northeast and the west side of 112th Avenue Northeast. It will provide access to Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue City Hall and other downtown Bellevue spots, as it is near the existing transit center.
The length of East Link is over 14 miles long, which includes 10 stations connecting Seattle, Mercer Island, Bellevue and the Bel-Red and Overlake neighborhoods in Redmond.
The Link light rail base in Bellevue had new artwork installed over the summer, located outside of the security fence, along the Eastside Rail Corridor Trail. Artist, Christian Moeller, designed the 45 sculptural nails extending 480 feet.
We reported the progress that had been made last March, including tunnel excavation work under that had been completed on 110th Avenue Northeast and significant progress on the Bellevue Way Southeast parking garage.
For more information on the East Link Light Rail, visit Sound Transit’s website.