
Eddie Bauer Opens After Remodel in Bellevue Square

Eddie Bauer in Bellevue Square has been housed in a temporary location for the last couple of months while its main store has been remodeled. Today it opened up its doors in their long time, well known location next to the boat in the Bellevue Square. The store appears to […]

Update on Bellevue’s "Facelift"

The Seattle P-I ran an article on Monday providing additional details about how Kemper Freeman, Bellevue’s most influential businessman will go about providing upgrades to his current properties and upcoming projects. The most noticeable upgrades will be a major interior and exterior renovation of Bellevue Square, 351 additional rooms to […]

Free Parking in Bellevue is Over

The days of free parking while shopping in Bellevue are over. Well…not everywhere, but Lincoln Square has implemented parking fees for guest visitors in their parking garage. This action was spurred by the practically complete Lincoln Square office spaces, which are ready to be occupied by the end of June. […]

New Bellevue Square Stores!

In the past month or so Bellevue Square has opened up its doors to some new retailers. (Some exciting ones if I may add) NauNau is a brand new men’s and women’s outdoor apparel company based out of Portland, OR. Only they aren’t your typical apparel company. You will notice […]