Here is a list of the most popular stories from our site in 2009:

  1. Getting to Know David Barton Gym
  2. IMAX Opens In Bellevue’s Lincoln Square Cinemas
  3. Summer Movie Nights at Bellevue Downtown Park
  4. STIR Martini + Raw Bar Now Open in Bellevue Place
  5. Microsoft Spells Out “Bing” at City Center Plaza
  6. A Walk Through Bellevue Towers
  7. Earls in Bellevue Set to Open on Oct 27th at Lincoln Square
  8. Ashton Bellevue Luxury Apartments – Pre-Opening Tour
  9. The Bravern Opening Weekend Attracts Thousands
  10. Purple Cafe Now Open In Downtown Bellevue

One Comment

  1. Most popular story was the opening of a gym? The majority of the winners are commenting on the opening of a business. I wonder if the most popular stories for 2010 will be articles of them closing? Hope not! The gun shop article gets my vote for best post of 2009.