Amazon announced in a blog post on their website plans to create 15,000 additional jobs in Bellevue.
According to the Mayor of Bellevue, Lynne Robinson, “We welcome the news that Amazon is increasing its investment in Bellevue. These are 15,000 well-paid jobs coming to our city that will benefit local workers and the region. With the downtown area’s successful growth over the last several years, we’ve created a dynamic and thriving neighborhood, and one that’s attractive to business, workers and residents. Accelerated growth does come with impacts and we hope to mitigate those by proactively working together as a community to address our resident needs. We appreciate Amazon’s eagerness to be a partner during this process and to take the role as an engaged Bellevue stakeholder.”
Amazon’s blog post goes on to explain that they opened their first office building in Bellevue in 2017. They currently have over 2,000 employees working in Bellevue and they continue to hire.
During the Bellevue Downtown Association’s annual celebration on Thursday, February 6th, Dave Clark, SVP of Worldwide Operations at Amazon stated that Amazon has watched Bellevue’s growth and have appreciated the investments that are being made in the city’s future, such as light rail that’s planned to launch in 2023, and the grand connection project. He compared Bellevue and Amazon as being similar because they both have a long-term approach, and are often misunderstood. Clark went on to share that the jobs that are coming to Bellevue would be a mixed including high tech, program managers, as well as many of the horizontal roles necessary to support these organizations. The largest organization that will be in Bellevue is Clark’s worldwide operations team, which is anticipated to support 10,000 jobs.
The world’s largest online retailer has designed their Bellevue offices with the goals of easy access to public transportation, placemaking and fostering a sustainable lifestyle. They want to help accelerate the implementation of Bellevue’s Grand Connection. To help create the link, they plan to build a common space along Northeast 6th Street to create a pedestrian connection and a new green area for residents, commuters, and downtown workers.
Amazon recently released new renderings for their 43-story tower in Bellevue, Bellevue 600. They purchased the development site of Bellevue Corporate Plaza in April 2019. Amazon has leased over one million square feet of office space in two separate buildings, as well as Tower 333.